Wednesday, November 7, 2012



Title: Result obtained when charging system takes place
Objective: To make sure the result that will be getting is about 13.5-14.4V.

Content: After belting system have been made in this project, the result is then being observed to determine the right output voltage. As the multimeter is connected to the battery, the reading is then recorded. The result obtained is 14V. Just nice with the theoretical data where in order to charge battery, the output voltage that will getting must be more than 12V and between 13-14V.
Charging System Basics
The electrical system in an automobile is said to be a 12 volt system, but this is somewhat misleading. The charging system in most cars will generally produce a voltage between 13.5 and 14.4 volts while the engine is running. It has to generate more voltage than the battery's rated voltage to overcome the internal resistance of the battery. This may seem strange, but the current needed to recharge the battery would not flow at all if the charging system's output voltage was the same as the battery voltage. A greater difference of potential (voltage) between the battery's voltage and the alternator's output voltage will provide a faster charging rate.
As long as the engine is running, all of the power for the accessories is delivered by the alternator. The battery is actually a load on the charging system. The only time that the battery would supply power with the engine running is when the current capacity of the alternator is exceeded or when engine is at a very low idle.                                                       

Analysis: The alternator diagram must be just like below...otherwise the output voltage can't be observe...Where can see that a fuse is connected in series with the battery as to ensure that to the battery will not drained or damaged.
Circuit diagram of the alternator

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