Monday, October 1, 2012

Springs and its role


 Title: Springs functionality
Objective: To describe the springs' role and to determine its operation
Content:The procedure to connect the spring with the bike together with its function when the pedal is pressed.

For this week I focusing on the design of the power pedal. But before that, the exercise bike must be modified into something that I want in to be. Therefore, the first thing is I want to connect the spring to one of the exercise pedal. How I want to connect the spring to the pedal? First of all, I will remove the pedal's base as you can see at the picture of the left side the one which is black in color. By removing the base, only then I can make the pedal holder to hold my spring. Alright let see the picture below....
Modification of one side of the pedal
From the picture when the base is removed the thing left is the pedal holder. Now, I will place a hook onto the pedal holder. The hook will hold the springs. But in order to make sure the spring is strained enough therefore I will fasten a rope to it from one end of the exercise bike. The spring will be like below....

How the bike is operate when the springs is being connected? The video shows that when the spring is presence, it forces the flywheel to keep rotate but in different direction. The rotation with presence of the springs is much higher than without the springs.  

Analysis: The advantage is that by pressing the pedal once the flywheel will rotates as much possible according to as much as the given pressure while pressing the pedal. As a result, the springs helping the flywheel to rotate more and the time period of the flywheel to stop rotate will be long. 

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