Friday, September 7, 2012

What should I do?

Week 5

Stage 2:
Above is the image of my progress project where i found difficulties in making a smooth moving magnet. The magnet should be moving into the solenoid freely to ensure the electromagnetic induction's working....
I do have problem in designing the mat. The thing stuck in my mind is on how the magnet could be move freely towards the solenoid. Based on my friend's opinion, i should make a rail for the magnet so that magnet can only moved straightly and smoothly. Furthermore, i should consider its case. The magnet should have case for sure. Besides, how i can to make sure that the magnet can move forward. By what kind of strength the magnet can be move? Not only the springs but i am very sure there is another way round. Wish me luck!

By the way below is the images of all the materials and components i already used.

Materials and components

Copper wire
Analogue Multimeter

Compass & Ferrite Magnet (7.3x1x0.8cm)

Clip wire

Plywood (13x17.5inch)



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