Saturday, September 8, 2012



Title: Change in method in making the magic mat. No more solenoids.
Objective: To solve the problem by making it in another way

Content: Since I'm still can't thinking another way to do the mat...I decided to change my method in constructing the mat...The method that i used to have will be different from previous-which is different in terms of its (method). I am still using the electromagnetic induction but for this time the principle came from the alternator itself. 
Remember that my last time proposal, I used to have a project that can contribute benefit to the consumers. The project should not being noticed by people surrounding. Therefore, I am still make it that way. For this time, the method is easier than previous. And I hope that my present project will success. I hope so....

Here we are!

Based on the figure above, energy system can be divided into three types which is energy in, energy store and energy use. The energy that I wanted to have in my project is pedal power categorized as an energy in...The pedal power is actually the source of energy. Same goes to magic mat, whereby the magic mat is used pressure comes from people's steps. Later i will show you the sketching and the things I bought for this project. Power pedal construction is still in progress.....

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