Sunday, May 13, 2012


CONTAIN: What is the shake-a-gen? Remember my previous post about how to make an homemade generator? So, the design has another external link about the storage of DC power from the AC generator. This generator is called an AC generator. This means that the voltage appearing at the two wires alternates between + and -, and - and + each time the magnet goes from one end of the can to the other. Based on the website that I found, they used a device which includes a few components to rectify the alternating current (AC) from the shake-a-gen, store it in a capacitor and convert it into a steady direct current DC. The output can be used to run a low power device. It is also wired to an LED which lights as the generator is moved and also for a little while afterwards. An LED can also be wired across the generator connections so that both the AC and smothed DC power can be observed.  Below is the diagram for shake-a-gen storage device.

Circuit diagram of shake-a-gen storage device

4 x OA91 germanium diodes
1 x 10,000 uF electrolytic capacitor (16V)
two LED's (red and yellow say)
1 x 1000 ohm resistor
1m of twin wire (bell wire) to go from generator to the circuit
soldering iron and solder

CONCLUSION: This post may be helpful to improve my understanding.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


TITLE: Science project could be used in developing the magic mat.

CONTAIN:This is one example that used electromagnet concept. It provides an idea in designing the magic mat. This is an AC electric generator which lights up a tiny incandescent light bulb. The generator is made from a hollow-ended cardboard box with a nail through the center. The box has many turns of varnished thin copper wire wound around, with four large magnets clamped around the nail. When the nail and magnets are spun fast by hand, the little light bulb lights up dimly. Below is the modelling of the project. 
ANALYSIS:As I can see here, the project is basically about the AC generator. And of course the AC generator can be converted to DC. For the magic mat, I will need it the most. Therefore, this project gives me some information and guideline in order to make some power conversion which is from AC power to DC power. Besides, all possibility in designing the electromagnet is also mentioned on the author's blog. It can be used as my reference later on.

CONCLUSION:This project helps me so much! Here the details of the project. You may see the link below...

Friday, May 11, 2012

Title: Presentation FYP 1
Contain: This presentation video covers the introduction and purposes of the magic mat. It also includes the methodology in designing the magic mat. Some simulation also provided where the three factors contributed to project's development. Let have a look at that video!
Analysis: After finish the presentation, the assessor has make some suggestion regarding the project. The suggestion is for magnet type that will be used in this project must be strong enough in order to give the best output. Therefore the magnet type of NdFeB has been suggested. It will take into consideration.
Conclusion:  For next progress, it should have a design of solenoids.